Join me and a bunch of like-minded friends for an invigorating and transformative journey as we delve deeper into the world of yoga in my upcoming workshop:

"Building on Foundations: Exploring Standing Balances, Backbends, and Binds."

If you attended my previous workshop on "Setting the Foundations," get ready to build upon the knowledge and skills you acquired. We'll begin by recapping the fundamental principles we explored in the first workshop, ensuring a solid understanding of the core elements that form the basis of a strong yoga practice.

Once we've refreshed our understanding of the foundations, we'll dive into the exciting realm of standing balances. Discover the power of finding stability and focus as we explore a variety of standing poses that challenge your balance and cultivate strength from within. From Vrksasana (tree pose) to Virabhadrasana III (Warrior 3) you'll learn techniques to enhance your stability, improve alignment, and deepen your mind-body connection.

Next, we'll gracefully transition into the world of backbends, unlocking the potential of your spine and expanding your heart space. You'll learn how to safely and effectively explore backbends, allowing energy to flow freely through your body and experiencing the liberating sensation of opening your heart to new possibilities.

Finally, we'll explore the art of binds, taking your practice to new heights of flexibility and strength. Discover the beauty of intertwining your limbs, building flexibility and creating space, that challenge both your body and mind. With proper guidance and modifications, you'll learn how to approach binds with confidence, unlocking new dimensions of your practice.

Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just beginning your journey, this workshop is designed to meet you where you are and guide you towards a deeper understanding of growth and self-discovery. Expect to leave feeling empowered, inspired, and equipped with the tools you need.

Your investment: $55 for 3-hours.

Location: Trafalgar St Hall, next to the river, Nelson.

When: Saturday the 28th of October.

Time: 9am - 12pm

To register, get in touch. Or if you have any questions :).

Don't miss this opportunity to expand your yoga practice and explore new horizons.

Namaste Julie

Yoga is an invitation to explore your internal world.